Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Holding students accountable means holding parents accountable. Most parents want to be left alone especially in the high school years. Either the curriculum is beyond their grasp or their child is beyond their control. As a teacher, you must accept this fact minus a few parents who remain the centerpiece of their child's education.

In high school however, students and parents take on different roles than in middle school. High school is when the credits for college start and all teachers are aware of this. So all the work done from kindergarten to grade 8 means nothing when it comes to college admission. College administrators do not care if you passed 7th grade science or English with flying colors. What they care about for high schoolers ....., did you have a work ethic? "Even though I'm not good in science I still got a 'C'."  Admissions office- understandable- "we will start you in freshman biology"

You say- "I failed English my 12th grade year"....To admissions officers that means remedial English - a class you pay for but get no credit for.

It's a trickle down effect from 9th grade. The goal is to prepare students for everything whether it be college, votech or the work force. Students must understand that choices they make today will affect their future. This conditioning begins in 9th grade.